
Powering the future of the property industry

The property industry has come under fire in recent years for being opaque and old fashioned. We’re seeing welcome momentum, industry wide, to change this. Yet one area, where we have much further to go, is diversity.

From agents to investors, to funds and property managers, there is plenty of job diversity within the property sector. Yet there’s so little diversity among the individuals that tend to be attracted to and who ultimately take on these jobs.   

One of the biggest challenges for the property industry in the coming years will be ensuring we have the best talent. Diversity of talent will be crucial to achieving this.

Often when we go about our day-to-day it’s easy to forget that for many, the property industry is something of a mystery. However, when we take a step back, it is clear one of the biggest barriers to entry, for a more diverse pool of talent, is a lack of understanding of the opportunities on offer. This, coupled with a lack of knowledge of the skills required to pursue opportunities, is holding people back.

It’s well documented that fewer women, fewer minority groups and fewer candidates from lower socio demographic backgrounds choose to study for future roles in property. 

Those with connections in the industry and a prior understanding can be at an advantage. But in many cases students and graduates just don’t know their options. Or don’t think the industry is for them. How can we open doors for a broader pool of new talent?

At Clearbell, we wanted to play our part in addressing this challenge. 

To address this, we are collaborating with Power2, a charity offering young people experiential learning and skills-based development. We have just hosted our first work experience candidate through Power2 at Clearbell, providing them with a solid overview of the property industry and of Clearbell’s role within this. Our first candidate spent time talking to each of our Partners in the business to understand their role and supported our asset management team on a daily basis.

It’s a small step in the right direction. Going forward we will be hosting additional candidates at our offices and taking the Clearbell team to meet groups of students, to educate them on opportunities in the sector.

The property industry is too often unexplored in students’ earlier years. This prevents us from welcoming the most diverse and ultimately best people into the industry. We will continue to find ways to support and open doors for future talent.

Our industry is only as good as the people in it.

Let's discuss how we can help you.

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